
Often, children with autism behave in socially inappropriate ways. But there are strategies you can learn to keep such behaviors from interfering with the child’s and the family’s relationships. We can help.

We work in complete partnership with parents and families and follow a strict code of ethics for any intervention.

Behavior Reduction

To reduce interfering behavior, we determine the function of the behavior first and foremost. The reasons for a child’s inappropriate behavior may vary. Among other possibilities, the child may be trying to get something, avoid something, or gain attention.

When we understand why a certain behavior occurs, we can work together to reduce or even eliminate the unwanted behavior.

Systematic Approach

After identifying the reason for the unwanted behavior, we use a systematic approach with three components:

      • Teach a replacement behavior (e.g., say “no thank you” instead of hitting).
      • Reinforce an alternative or appropriate behavior (e.g., give lots of praise anytime he/she says “no thank you” instead of hitting).
      • Give consistent response when the behavior occurs (e.g., redirect the child’s hand and model “no thank you”).

      Target Behaviors

      • Staying on task 
      • Staying at table or work area
      • Time management 
      • Coping skills 
      • Complete daily schedules 
      • Regulation strategies